Open source Java implementation for Raft consensus protocol.

Release 3.0.0 is available


This is a major new version that contains 100 improvements and bug fixes. It introduces new features like pluggable metrics and lease read, etc. See the changes between 2.5.1 and 3.0.0 releases as below:

Change list of ratis 3.0.0 In total, there are roughly 100 commits diffing from 2.5.1

Incompatible Changes

New Features

Improvements & Bug Fixes

Streaming & Netty

Read Index


AppendEntries & GrpcLogAppender

RaftLog & RaftLog Cache

Common Utilities

Code Cleanup & Refactoring

Code Improvement

Documentations & Examples


Build & Maven

It has been tested with Apache Ozone, Apache IoTDB, Alluxio where Apache Ratis is used to replicate raw data and to provide high availability.